3 September 2023

Our Icelandic Adventure 2023 – Part 6

The Arctic Circle

We had a leisurely morning in Husavik refuelling, shopping and coffee. We also needed alcohol which can only be purchased at a liquor store (Vinbuoin) and is obviously expensive at £47 for a wine box but needs must.

Next up was a motor museum and then a great track to a scenic viewing spot overlooking Husavik. We headed east and camped at an exposed camping spot overlooking the sea.

The next day we headed north to Iceland’s most northerly point. We dipped our feet into the sea just inside the Arctic Circle. Or were we?  Local tourist information would suggest that we were but technically the Arctic Circle runs through the island of Grimsey 25 miles off the coast.

The Arctic Circle is an imaginary circle around the earth at latitude 66 degrees 33” north. It marks the latitude on the earth’s surface above which the sun doesn’t set on the summer solstice and does not rise on the winter solstice.

We have a lunch stop at the Arctic Henge located at one of Iceland’s most northern villages. It is a huge stone structure that evokes Neolithic monuments throughout the world.

Next stop included a hike down to the very impressive Dettifoss waterfall. Camping tonight was at a remote farm with a guesthouse available for some of the group.